Saturday, June 28, 2008

Summer Time Fun!

So we went to a petting zoo at thanksgiving point it was lots of fun! I loved all the animals.

This is the rodeo in P.G. I hated it. I thought they were mean to the animals. I will never go to one ever again.

Jill loves tuffer!

this is tay. She is trying to smile!


Nicole said...

Yeah for the new pics! So the Rodeo was a bust, huh? Did you get some of the famouse Strawberries and Cream? I usually make Mike drive me out there just for a littel treat every year:) I LOVE it!

Ben N Nessa said...

So fun!!! :) You and Tuffer look great! You've had busy "Animal Days" with rodeos and the zoo ;) Haha!

thekarrens said...

Allie just asked if Tuffer and Morgan had a baby. Ha ha